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Franco N.

Huntsville, United States

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1 Review by Franco

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I saw the app and thought I should give it a trial. I subscribed for one month and ever since, I have been seeing the same people over and over. They never responded to my messages. For example, I will see this girl on my search block, I messaged her and the next day, I will also see the same person. The app keeps on rerouting the same people. Nothing new. If you messaged 50 users in your area and you don't have anyone else to message, the next day, the app will repeat rerouting the same people that you messaged yesterday or couple of days ago. And the funniest thing is that, none of these members bothered to write you back. I'm lucky that I only paid one month subscription. I already canceled my subscription. Nonsense, you take people's hard working money and you can't provide a service for them. Ridiculous thing to do!

Tip for consumers:
One of the worst dating app I have seen. People stay away from I warn you before. You will waste your money and time for nothing!

Date of experience: August 17, 2023

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