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George D.

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1 Review by George

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    Shari's Berries

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As I write this, there are 1293 reviews, and 1078 are one star. This is clearly one of the WORST companies in existence. We received a brochure listing a 25% discount. We tried ordering on line but their web site did not recognize their item numbers. We called (BIG MISTAKE) and got connected with a sweet but incompetent lady in the Philippines. It took 1/2 hour to process the order, and we had to spell everything, even the word "lane". We were given several different answers as to cost, none of them matching the items we ordered. We asked for an email showing our order - despite assurances, it never came. We asked to be notified when the order would arrive - that notification never came. The order was delivered, but at a price twice that expected. There followed two weeks of extreme aggravation. We sent a substantial number of emails, but each time we got a response from a different person requesting the same information we already had sent several times. Eventually, the company refunded our moneys, but given the time and aggravation, it was not worth it, and we will NOT use them again.

Date of experience: March 19, 2019

George Has Earned 3 Votes

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