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Gina J.

Las Vegas, Nevada

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1 Review by Gina

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I don't get to travel a lot, so I was very excited for my trip to Austin Texas. That was until Kiwi told me to head to the airport three hours early because they couldn't check me in. Once I got to the airport, my tickets had been canceled by Kiwi. They lied to the airline and said they gave me a refund but they didn't. I had to buy tickets last minute at the airport and spent three times as much. I applied for a refund on Kiwi's website and they told me good luck I'll hear from them in three months. I didn't purchase their guarantee so basically I'm SOL. Do not risk booking with them! It's horrible to be at the airport and learn you aren't getting on the flight unless you can overpay for new tickets.


Date of experience: August 27, 2023

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