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James W.

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1 Review by James

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    Uplift Desk

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I've used an assortment of standing desks since 2014 and bought my Uplift Desk in 2019. I've loved the desk and had no issues until with no warning, it stopped standing and lowered all the way down. I went to the Uplift site and found some helpful troubleshooting I was able to walk through but kept receiving the same error message. I called in and promptly got connected with Steven, who was able to handle the issue quickly and pleasantly. He explained everything they would need from me and emailed me with examples of the pictures they would need to proceed with the warranty claim. His handling of my situation was top notch and exactly what you hope for as an Uplift customer, or a customer of any business for that matter


Date of experience: March 25, 2022

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