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Janice A.

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1 Review by Janice

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I feel a lot of people are over bidding bringing up the prices that sh. Ould be going to buy it know but some how the stay in and win and pay 4 times on what the item should have cost.

Date of experience: February 5, 2014

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DealDash -. – DealDash Rep

Hi Janice, sorry to see a disgruntled 1 star rating of our service. Could you let us know how we help improve your experience?

From our experience if someone overbids it's because they have acquired bids very cheap therefore value their bids very differently. For example when someone wins a 500 Bid Pack with just 20 bids they may not mind blowing all 500 bids for a $50 gift card because they view it as winning a $50 gift card for just 20 bids.

When reviewing your bidding history you seem to be using a good bidding strategy. Keep it up and please do let us know how we can help improve your experience.

Janice Has Earned 2 Votes

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