When shopping on Alibris it always results in frustration: it's more difficult to figure out what you want than you thought it would be. And the it's always disoncerting how much the shipping costs add up to.
Reason I chose this business:
Because I'm familiar with it, the site tends to have a good selection of what you are looking for. And, importantly, as far as I know it is NOT OWNED BY AMAZON.
It's annoying that what seem like good values on books quickly evolve into an expensive order, BUT, you don't discover that until you place the order and learn that the delivery fee for each book can cost as much as the book itself. Arggh
Reason I chose this business:
Because they represent dealers that have decent inventory AND, most importantly, are NOT OWNED BY AMAZON
* Alibris attempted to help this customer through the Sitejabber Resolution Center, but the customer did not respond