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Jenna m.

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1 Review by Jenna

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    Shari's Berries

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I've never had a problem with them but lately it seems their customer service is absolutely horrible. For the amount of money that they charge it's absurd that you have to be worried if your package is actually going to be delivered. I placed an order as a surprise anniversary gift and I had a specific delivery date because my friends were leaving out of town and it was not delivered. So when I called the day of delivery. She said I had to wait and call back the next day. So the next morning I called back again and I got someone else and she couldn't explain to me why my order was never shipped out and what is not delivered but my credit card was charged. Of course she issued a full refund but at that point I was upset because it wasn't about the money it was about the gift that they were supposed to receive. I should have gone with edible arrangements or something! Will think twice before ordering from them again.

Date of experience: September 8, 2017

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