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Jenn S.

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1 Review by Jenn

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    Shari's Berries

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They delivered the wrong package for Valentines. One worth far less than what I paid and to be honest by the reaction of the customer service agent they knew it. I got a limited time package of jerkies and meats, clearly trying to compete with man crates, and they delivered some more female oriented small package to my husband. ( not that there is anything wrong with that but I wouldn't spend my money to send him that. Now a crate of meats meant to impress that's what I wanted) instead of reaching out, admitting their error, offering other options or a refund they thought- hey maybe they won't know we sent some cheap garbage instead. When I called the person was unhelpful, unsympathetic and bad at their job. I have worked customer service for over tens years, two in a call center, and this was just awful. As a company they had so many opportunities to make up for their error, but didn't. Not until I got angry and demanded a refund did I get anything that made me slightly happy. Thanks for ruining a surprise valentine for my husband in our first year of marriage.

Date of experience: February 13, 2019

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