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Julia A.

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1 Review by Julia

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I wish I could give you zero stars, because that's what you deserve.
One of our connecting flights was canceled by Kiwi, and we were given the option to either rebook (for an additional fee of $200+) or receive a refund (which they say could take 6 weeks to 3 months and won't likely include the full amount). In addition, they said that we would have to pay again for the $230 worth of baggage that we had added (even though we haven't even boarded any of the flights).
If you like to gamble and lose your money, this is a great site to use. Otherwise, stay far, far away!
P.S. Their customer service sucks. You can't even reach them by phone, even if you pay for the service package.

Date of experience: April 16, 2020

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