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kate s.

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2 Reviews by kate

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They take your money and then they call you saying sorry there is strike and the flight is cancelled and give you another option which is not suitable for you to refuse and then they say we will refund the money but we must take cancelation fees which is too much. And their partner

If you call the airline to ask about the strike you will discover that there is no strike at all. They intend to be ATOL protected but they don't have ATOL number, Be careful

Date of experience: August 4, 2011

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They take your money and then they call you saying sorry there is strike and the flight is cancelled and give you another option which is not suitable for you to refuse and then they say we refund the money but we must take cancelation fees

If you call the airline to ask about the strike you will discover that there is no strike at all. They intend to have ATOL but they don't, Be careful

Date of experience: August 4, 2011

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Kate S.'s review of earned 4 Very Helpful votes

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