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Kayla H.

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1 Review by Kayla

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I ordered a bike part on this site. It turns out the part was out of stock, instead of contacting me they took my payment and sent me a similar (but not compatible) product. $2 to paint the item but not the mere $20 to refund my purchase. As soon as I filed a dispute with paypal they filled my inbox again, blaming me. I must be wrong and I can rig it together to work like this...
I explained over and over again that I don't want to "rig" it together "good enough," that I want the product I ordered or a refund. I had to wait for paypal to settle it. Their customer service is terrible and they will send you anything off the shelf. What they advertise is not what you receive.

Date of experience: June 4, 2014

Kayla Has Earned 1 Vote

Kayla H.'s review of Motorparts4less earned a Very Helpful vote

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