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Kelinda C.

Level 1 Contributor

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2 Reviews by Kelinda

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    Ava Anderson Non Toxic

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Ava Anderson is a young company with a fantastic message! Non toxic no chemicals. Truly all natural products! The face line is AMAZING. They carry baby products that are actually safe for our babies! I highly recommend!

Date of experience: December 8, 2015

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    VENUS Swimwear

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My order arrived right away which was great! I even had a pleasant experience with online live chat with customer service. That sad, I was very disappointed with the quality of the clothes! The faux leather buckle on the flimsy cheap sweater will for sure only last one day! And the $80.00 coat I ordered was so thin! Word to the wise. When ordering bras. Order bigger than you are. They are NOT true to size! I opened the box yesterday and am shipping it all back today! Hoping I will get a full refund after reading some of the other reviews. Disappointed.

Date of experience: December 8, 2015

Kelinda Has Earned 15 Votes

Kelinda C.'s review of VENUS Swimwear earned 14 Very Helpful votes

Kelinda C.'s review of Ava Anderson Non Toxic earned a Very Helpful vote

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