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Libby B.

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1 Review by Libby

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    Shari's Berries

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Even though my husband paid extra for guaranteed delivery on Valentines day they never came. When he complained they offered a 10 credit and said the berries would come the next day. When they did I was shocked at the quality. For a much as they cost the berries were smaller than the ones I could have bought myself at Walmart And the decorations looked like my 10 year old grandchild had made them. One berry had 2 sprinkles attached. And the berries weren't even ripe. Poor quality! Definately not worth the money he paid for them! Photos below show the advertisement and the other is what they actually look like when you get them!

Date of experience: February 18, 2019

Libby Has Earned 1 Vote

Libby B.'s review of Shari's Berries earned a Very Helpful vote

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