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Lisa J.

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1 Review by Lisa

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I'm actually very happy with this bag. When I first looked at it on the screen it looked kind of flimsy but it was the cutest one I could find that was airline approved so I thought I would chance it especially since Amazon is pretty good about returns. It's actually pretty sturdy. I had a cheapy bag that I bought a while ago and it would just collapse on my dog without me even touching it but this one stands up on its own without it being hard sided. The bottom of the bag has this kind of soft cooler bag feel and look with something stiff inside that you can velcro down and so that your dog won't make the bag sag. In the picture you can't tell but the handles on the shoulder straps and the ones on the bag are very soft and comfortable! Im very happy with that especially since I was worried about it being uncomfortable if I had to carry my baby for a long time at the airport. Also, the pink mesh has this sort of lining so that it makes it a little hard to see inside the bag but it's not impossible. I thought it would be a little easier to see through but I guess I'm happy that she gets her privacy. You can't tell from the pictures, but the little pockets on the sides towards the top of the bag that open up aren't for the dog to stick their head out (which is what I assumed they would do which is my fault for assuming I guess). They are actually just little pockets for you to put things in I guess. I just cut out the lining of mine so that my baby could stick her head out:]

I have a little poodle thats about 10 pounds, 15 inches from shoulder to base of tail, and 11 inches tall at the shoulder. The bag is a little short for her right at the lowest point of the bag in the middle but not enough for her to look uncomfortable. She can't really put her head up but atleast she's ok to lie down and it's tall enough for her at the shoulder at the highest part.

I was mostly worried about it being a cheapy bag for my 70 dollars but I'm pretty happy with how sturdy it is on all sides. I think 70 dollars is a little expensive for a doggie bag but I'm pretty happy with my purchase.

Date of experience: September 14, 2015

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