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LouAnn T.

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2 Reviews by LouAnn

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Verified site experience

Site is ok - had to chat to find out something and the customer service rep is kind of short and rude

* SelectBlinds attempted to help this customer through the Sitejabber Resolution Center, but the customer did not respond

Date of experience: May 26, 2023

Thumbnail of user brianr1517
Brian R. – SelectBlinds Rep

Hello LouAnn,

I apologize because you had a negative experience with us due to our website not being as user-friendly as you expected due to waiting to get ahold of a customer service rep. Our goal is to provide a positive user experience, so any feedback given is greatly appreciated. We are always looking at ways to provide a better experience and better customer service. My job is to make sure our customers are given 5-star service and that any mistakes made on our end are made right for you. I am going to be letting our internal team who handles these issues be made aware so this can be looked into.

My name is Brian Royston, and I am Select Blind's brand ambassador. I'm interested in what we can do to move from a negative review to a positive review, we want to make this experience right for you. Please feel free to email me at and we can discuss our options. You can also email us at


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Sephora's values around inclusivity are only if you're NOT conservative. Do they even know what "inclusivity" means? NEVER shop there again. Cancel culture goes both ways.


Date of experience: February 1, 2021

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