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Maryan A.


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1 Review by Maryan

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Booked $180 worth of flights through this website. 2 days after 1 flight was canceled and the other one was rescheduled. They did not provide a refund and the website was very misleading. The only options were to rebook with them for MORE money after they gave me a $15 credit from the $180 I paid for (What a joke!). Customer service is useless. You get a new customer service rep every time you message them and they copy and paste the response. They promised to give me more credit which was not provided. They promised assisted refund from the airline but no updates at all. THIS COMPANY IS A FRAUD. THEY SCAM PEOPLE! THEY PROFIT FROM SCAMMING PEOPLE. I wished I read their reviews before booking with them.

Tip for consumers:
Booked $180 worth of flights through this website. 2 days after 1 flight was canceled and the other one was rescheduled. They did not provide a refund and the website was very misleading. The only options were to rebook with them for MORE money after they gave me a $15 credit from the $180 I paid for (What a joke!). Customer service is useless. You get a new customer service rep every time you message them and they copy and paste the response. They promised to give me more credit which was not p

Products used:
booking flights


Date of experience: March 15, 2023

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