He reclaimed the runescape a month later and im out 260 bucks I had 2 step on the account and every thing the don't even respond to your messages they just ignore you costumer support is $#*! stay away from this website for account buying
I was able to check, and unfortunately, the evidence we received is insufficient. Please note that even with insurance, we still require users to send compelling proof to validate their claim, as stated in our disclaimer: https://i.imgur.com/xuvAhYo.png. Due to this, I'm afraid we won't be able to issue you any refunds.
As a way of recompense for this, we have now permanently suspended your seller, and he is no longer allowed to create any new accounts on the site. Kindly note that there are no incriminating evidences of his offense, but since he is unable to respond to this matter, we have decided to suspend him.
Please email us again if you have any further inquiries or questions.
Best regards,
nathin Has Earned 3 Votes
Nathin E.'s review of PlayerAuctions earned 3 Very Helpful votes
Hello Nathin,
I was able to check, and unfortunately, the evidence we received is insufficient. Please note that even with insurance, we still require users to send compelling proof to validate their claim, as stated in our disclaimer: https://i.imgur.com/xuvAhYo.png. Due to this, I'm afraid we won't be able to issue you any refunds.
As a way of recompense for this, we have now permanently suspended your seller, and he is no longer allowed to create any new accounts on the site. Kindly note that there are no incriminating evidences of his offense, but since he is unable to respond to this matter, we have decided to suspend him.
Please email us again if you have any further inquiries or questions.
Best regards,