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Noah G.

Atlanta, Ga

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1 Review by Noah

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As the pandemic was beginning to intensify in India, the US state department called for immediate departure. To make things worse, I made the massive mistake of booking my travel home with I found myself standing at the ticket counter in Bangaluru with a booking confirmation, but no ticket. never purchased my tickets home.

I then had to purchase another ticket, obviously not using Kiwi, for an incredible amount of money and then I had to convince the military to let me out of the airport and find a hotel during lockdown. I found a wonderful woman who opened up her entire hotel just for me and had to spend 4 days hoping international flights would remain open. Regardless to say, this was an incredibly expensive ordeal and one of the most stressful weeks of my life.

All because I booked with Kiwi. I have been trying to get a refund for months and haven't received any messages from their customer service. I would not recommend to anyone and would even entreat you not to book with them.

Kiwi, if you are reading this... please refund my money. 144 854 457

Tip for consumers:
DO not book with Kiwi...


Date of experience: August 3, 2021

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