This website is a joke now. Years ago this place was good. Now I wouldnt suggest anyone to use it. I purchased a product after talking to the seller had to do the whole verification process. Showed me my credit card front and back with photos of me taking it AND my ID. After all these photos and quick responses they say your order will go through and you pass in an email. One minute later my order is now cancelled because "payment failed". I email them asking why they say I didnt pass verification process and they will refund me. I gave up and laughed and didnt care for the product anymore after all I went through to be denied all they ended up saying after me replied 4 times was that it will take at most 7 days if not contact your bank. So the website said refund will come after 1-2 business days 5days max. I wrote them on the 3rd day asking if my refund is taking place because it still isnt here. Email ignored. Emailed them again the 5th day about my refund ignored. Went to their website 6 days ago opened up a new request about my refund and guess what? Oh I was ignored yet again. Its now 10 days in I emailed them again was ignored. The bank doesnt release these funds playerauctions does. Clearly my funds are still on the website and havent been release back to my account. At this point I have to file a claim saying you guys are scammer. I dont recommended anyone using this website after all I have to go through for a xmas gift!