I strictly remember booking one flight and one flight only. However, when I checked my activity on my credit card I saw that I was charged twice for the same booking. When I asked them about the booking number for the old booking, they told me that my current booking number is my new booking number and vice versa, but nowhere do I see a booking number referencing for the amount that I am disputing.
When I called and asked they keep stating the same thing over and over and over again. POLICY POLICY POLICY. I am sick of dealing with these pathetic companies that are in place just to loot their customers of their money and that too when questioned, the term "Policy" comes into place.
If you're looking for a company that respects your business, keep moving because this company only cares for your wallet and not you as a valuable customer, much less a person even. I was treated with rudeness with which I had to respond in kind.
KIWI stands for Keep Income Without Integrity!