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mario S.

Tucson, AZ United States

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1 Review by mario

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I took this company 24 hours to cost me 2 jobs, because of there error. I was advised since I was unemployed for the month of Oct 2023, I was placed on the payment plan of $20.00 every 2 weeks. I made those payment as agreed. Tuesday evening, my car was Repo'd. I called and was given the a lie reason, that my payment was late by 1day. Not my fault there system processed it late. Then I spoke to a supervisor and was told a different story. In total I spoke to 4 different Reps 2 of them managers, 4 different story's. They wanted a total of $840.00 to obtain the car back. Now how am I suppose to do that when i lost both of my job in one day.


Date of experience: November 29, 2023

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