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Ricardo R.

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2 Reviews by Ricardo

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So, I was asked to write a review about ASCAP, based on my experiences.

I think overall, ASCAP is a great Performing Rights Organization (PRO), and is one of two main PRO's like BMI. Submitting your musical compositions to ASCAP before distributing your work elsewhere (besides the Copyright Office of course), is critical for protecting your works from other entities that may attempt to claim the work(s) with a PRO.

However, if you are *not* a major artist, even if your works have been on dozens of radio stations and you have upwards of a million streams across various platforms (i.e., iTunes, Spotify, YouTube Music, etc.), ASCAP will *not* fight for your royalties. They will tell you that you don't have enough data for them to waste their time on you.

I, as an indie/semi-successful artist, have over a million streams across multiple platforms and my music has been played on over 50 radio stations worldwide. I sent ASCAP dozens of datasets from various radio stations and streaming platforms - sent to me directly from these organizations - and ASCAP refused to collect my royalties. They said my data is not enough for them to work on them.
Meanwhile, I receive royalties each month from my actual music distributor; they collect every micro-penny of payment possible to pay their artists...but ASCAP. My actual "PRO" - thinks that doing their job is a waste of their time since I am not a bigger artist.

I think this is wrong and they should care more for the "little guy" - but I digress.

Tip for consumers:
Always register works with the US Copyright Office (or your locations Copyright Office) first, then go to ASCAP or BMI that order. :-)

Products used:
ASCAP general and Publisher membership.


Date of experience: June 19, 2023

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We have asked this company - and the owner, Jesse Neo - to take down this link of our song, as it is infringing on various copyrights. They are just ignoring us. This is an example of how organizations profit off of independent artists - without our permission - in the name of "free publicity" and non-consent. So we'll just keep this here.


Tip for consumers:
Contact artists before using their copyrighted materials and don't ignore them when they ask you to take down their intellectual property. It's just common decency.

Products used:

Date of experience: April 12, 2023

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