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Rina Q.

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1 Review by Rina

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Payoneer maybe is understaffed or their customer service staff is really taking a long time to send a reply.

I almost forgot what my issue was--- yes! That's how it takes to get a reply from them. I actually thought they just ignore their customer's messages and/or complaints

* Payoneer attempted to help this customer through the Sitejabber Resolution Center, but the customer did not respond

Date of experience: February 23, 2021

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Payoneer T. – Payoneer Rep

Dear Rina,

We regret to hear that you have experienced these inconveniences trying to reach us. We do understand that it might be very frustrating.

Due to the situation in the world these days we are dealing with an increased amount of inquiries, which unfortunately may lead to longer wait. We truly appreciate our customers' understanding on this matter. And of course we are doing our best to shorten wait times, as we strive to provide you and all of our customers with top quality customer service.

We are constantly working on improving our workflow and truly appreciate your feedback. Thank you for helping us grow!

Anna from the Payoneer team

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