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Ruchi M.

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2 Reviews by Ruchi

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    Cotton Babies

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I really appreciate the behavior of customer service it is well organised and always solves your issue when you have one. It was a good shopping experience from here.
I shop very less from online websites and i do not like shopping online, but when a friend highly recommended this website i just took a look and was impressed by the wide range of products this website consists.

Date of experience: October 9, 2020

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    Fairy Season

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I really appreciate the behavior of customer service it is well organised and always solves your issue when you have one. It was a good shopping experience from here.
I shop very less from online websites and i do not like shopping online, but when a friend highly recommended this website i just took a look and was impressed by the wide range of products this website consists.

Date of experience: October 9, 2020

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