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Sadie Z.

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1 Review by Sadie

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Once you buy something from Fabletics, you have entered into a membership where you will be charged $70 (Canadian) plus shipping each month. And if you try to cancel right away they will cancel your first order that got you subscribed in the first place. Shame on Kate Hudson for being affiliated with a trashy scam company. I'm so disappointed.

Date of experience: May 23, 2020

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Cole N. – Fabletics Rep

Hello Sadie,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this had caused you. We value your business with us. We’ve sent you a request on asking for your account information in order for us to pull up your account and assist you further. Kindly check your email notification from or log on to the website to respond to the request and we'll be happy to assist you.

Best Regards,

Sadie Has Earned 11 Votes

Sadie Z.'s review of Fabletics earned 11 Very Helpful votes

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