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Sameh E.

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1 Review by Sameh

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Useless, full of sh*t, all canned respond, act as if they provide you service in your country or area, but they have no idea about the local rules or regulations, there goal is to get you fill your account with money, but never allowed to use or touch your money. They demand you send them proof of address and want copies of your ID, passport, bank statements, utility bills, basically all your life and even your rental agreements, title of ownership and in the end they say not sufficient proof, thats besides all the hidden and outrageous fees taken from your money. Big F- fir this $#*!ty company, searching for a better genuine real one. Please be aware especially those who live outside the US. Takes for ever to answer you back, calling them is useless, no body to take your call and your money remains stuck with them and good luck if you will ever see your money again

Tip for consumers:
They will make you feel you will have complete freedom to use and withdrawn money from your available balance with a card that when it expires, dont even dream in getting a replacement besides the insane fees and hidden cost and bad currency conversion rates. Becareful every one.


Date of experience: September 15, 2020

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