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Sandy D.

Old Forge, PA

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1 Review by Sandy

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    The Donna Karan Company

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My son bought me a DKNY Cozy Luxe comforter set for Christmas, from TJMaxx. Two months later, it has fallen apart! The two layers of fabric have separated, and you can feel the lining all balled up when you sleep. I am past the return window at the store, I cannot return it there. So I reached out to the Brand and manufacturer at DKNY. Three times, and no response. HORRIBLE customer service. They do not stand my their products. They haven't even responded to ONE email. Nothing. Don't waste your time, OR your money.

Tip for consumers:
Don't waste your time or your money.

Products used:
Comforter set, Cozy Luxe Beige.


Date of experience: March 22, 2022

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