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Sarwar C.

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1 Review by Sarwar

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Booked 3 tickets for my family and 4 days before the flight I checked in with the airline company to check the status of the flight since there is a lot of uncertainty with covid. I was told by the airline representative that the flight never existed and it was a fraudulent ticket. Couldn't believe it so I walked in to the local office of the airline company and sure enough it was fraudulent. Called kiwi and explained but the rep ( Krishna) refused to take my word for it. He couldnt get hold of the airline but assured me that someone will get back to me by the day ends. No call back received for another 24 hours. This time they are saying yes it was cancelled in the last minute which is a lie. Told me to wait for 3 months for my refund. What a world we live in

Date of experience: July 16, 2020

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