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Shahir O.

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1 Review by Shahir

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You just don't make enough clothes in my size. Like, it seems pretty obvious that you should sell BLACK workout shirts. But you haven't had any in stock for months. Do I want a hot pink workout shirt, or a lime green one? No. And neither does anyone else. That's why they are the only colors available. Solve your supply chain issues. Make some shirts in BLACK. Clearly the fact that they have been out of stock for three months shows that people want them? I feel like your company is all promise but cannot deliver.

Date of experience: August 14, 2023

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Allison C. – Fabletics Rep

Hello Shahir,

Thank you for sharing your experience with the availability of the items we offer. Your feedback will help us what we can do better. Our Member Services Team will get in touch with you right away.


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