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Shikma K.

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1 Review by Shikma

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I bought an indirect flight with a shirt connection. I added a transfer guarantee, extra charge.
Although the first flight wasn't late, we (there 5 people in my situation) didn't make the flight and had to look for another flight, only 7 hours later.
Kiwi didn't take any responsibility and didn't reimburse me for the new ticket. They referred me to a hidden section in the contract that says I had to contact them first. I told them that they have no phone number, only a chat that can take up to 4 hours for them to get back to me and when I was looking for a flight, from the airport, there was one last ticket for that day so I went ahead and booked it. They didn't reimburse me for anything!
Another thing, I wasn't able to check in online via their app and in the airport in manchester, Ryan air told me I had to pay 55 gbp since I booked via Ota and not them. Of course i paid it.
My vacation was only 3 days and because of kiwi, I lost 1 day and paid double what I planned.

Products used:
One way


Date of experience: August 15, 2023

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