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simran R.

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1 Review by simran

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We have bought this AC last year in May 2018, today we called them for service and they said that wires of split part got cut down by mouse, when we checked the wires it shows that wires are burnt, I have showed this to there representative and he tried to cut burning effect from wires.

New review:

So well again now we are in 2022 and this Bluestar Inverter AC has some problem with it again it's cooling is zero without showing any error message.

So I have registered a ticket B*******849 with bluestar on 8th April 2022 to get the issue fixed by them, They have sent someone after 2 days and guess what that service executive was not a bluestar service executive, he has checked our AC and informed us that the gas level of our AC is low and he has to take away the compressure with him, he said that it will probably cost us 8000Rs.(4000Rs gas filling charges and 4000Rs. In case the coil is damaged).

He has asked us to take some time and let him know if we would like to proceed with this, same day we get our AC's gas level checked by a local service exceutive and he said that GAS LEVEL of our AC is perfectly fine.

Then again I tried calling the contact from which we got contacted for visit no one responded.

So again on 18th April after 10 days of wait I called bluesatr again that no one from their service center is responding. They registered another complaint with ticket number B*******981 and told me that someone will visit us within 12 hours, so next day a service exceutive came to our house in urban company uniform without any employee ID from bluestar and he has checked the AC, this time this executive said that your AC is perfectly working but the area is not good where you have installed AC.

So in last 4 years AC was not having any problem with area of installation but now it has problem with area of installation.

He was at our place and I called bluestar toll free number they replied that they will send someone from bluestar only with employee ID within 48 hours.

As per me 48 hours has passed and still they are saying that they have prioritized my request.

So it's waste of money, don't invest your money on zero After sales support brand.


Date of experience: April 21, 2022

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