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Stanley S.

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1 Review by Stanley

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If your flight is not within 14 days it is impossible to speak to a service rep directly. You are force to 'chat' with a service staff which cannot understand or simply does not read the chat messages. Finally, when within 14 days of my flight I was permitted to talk to a service staff on the phone and twice the phone line was disconnected forcing me to repeat the problem. I offered to email the chat exchange to the service rep. When I emailed my concerns and a transcript of the failed 'chat' exchange to the email address provided I received an automated response email that said this address is no longer supported. Phew, 10 hours of 'chat' and phone calls and I am done. Say good by to my $245 Euros.

Tip for consumers:
Go directly to the airline to book your flights. Do not use as if any problems are encountered you are trapped in a customer service circle with no way out. You will lose all money spent.

Products used:
airline flights


Date of experience: April 26, 2022

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