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Stephanie R.

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1 Review by Stephanie

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    Shari's Berries

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I made an order thinking I would get the discount. My order was $457 and no shipping or sales discount was issued at checkout. I called support and they told me to go ahead and proceed and they would issue a manual credit, even resent an updated email of the total. My PayPal was charged the $457 incorrect amount. Called customer support was the biggest nightmare I have ever experienced. They say they will credit my the shipping discount so we will see. I've order from here various times and every single time the shipping charges advertised are NOT whats charged. Up charges like weekend and rural charges are heavy.

Date of experience: December 29, 2018

Stephanie Has Earned 3 Votes

Stephanie R.'s review of Shari's Berries earned 3 Very Helpful votes

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