I buy power saver from company Shenzhen Jumbo Power Technology Co., Limited i test 5 days to different place with meters and 1 room with 2 air conditioners for same conditions and take a true mesure, test 2 hours without power saver and 2 hours with jumbo power saver.
The result of test show
Without power saver 2 hours 4.6 kw/h used
With power saver jumbo 2 hours 5.1 kw/h used
I realised different place the same test, and every test show jumbo power saver not save only 1% and reality when you use jumbo power saver is increase your kw/h
I contact factory during 5 days, ask me make many modification and test connection.
Not result positif.
After angry with the factory and start complaint to alibaba for scam, the owner contact me directly to skype, and confessed me is model him sale me is only for 3 phase delta system,
The 3 phases delta system is only for same region nord america and same country of africa. So my country is cambodia Asian, why him sale my power saver not compatible with asian country?
The catalogue jumbo power saver not ask is product is only for delta system. And refuse i return the product to him factory for take back my money,
I not recommand is product and also is company are not honnest, for my is only are scam company for not want to clear when him sale my wrong power saver. And not true with compatible power saver you save or not.
Because today i lost $1220 i blacklist jumbo power saver Scam
King regards