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Whale F.

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1 Review by Whale

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Slow to respond to emails regarding orders, even if you're a paid account. Sometimes they won't even answer your calls, emails, etc. It also took FOREVER to get quotes situated... don't you want to make money!?

Slow responses to questions, questions on status, on shipment, you name it... sometimes specific questions were met with stalling, or attempts to add additional charges just for asking.

It was a horrible, slow experience. I would never recommend these guys; they seem very unprofessional and not at all concerned about your needs or keeping customers.

Tip for consumers:
Don't use this site. Also, they go by, so don't use them either!


Date of experience: October 1, 2015

Whale Has Earned 2 Votes

Whale F.'s review of SwagCustoms earned 2 Very Helpful votes

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