Questions & Answers

When it will be taken down- it is clearly a scam?

Asked by Susan D. on 9/27/2015

4 Answers
Jae J.11/7/2015

What is being asserted about rejection of negative reviews is absolutely consistent with my experience. Don't waste your time.
sharon l.11/7/2015

AVVO... is not a legitimate site, if you try to send in your experience or any negative review on an attorney... THEY WILL NOT POST IT, I TRIED OVER FIFTY TIMES... they said it wasn't within the guidelines, however I even tried posting very little on this particular attorney as a test... SURE ENOUGH... they didn't even read it, they bounced it back, they must have an automated site that will not accept anything negative or they lose money from the crooked attorneys

This site is not the place to go... go to yelp reviews and you will get actual reviews from real people,,,,,,,,,, on any person, any business and any attorney
vanessa m.11/8/2015

Avvo is a scam. I am a retired army officer who had a horrible experience with an attorney in fay., nc who, after receiving full pay of $2500, didn't return emails or get my grandparents rights as stated in my contract. She lied and her staff is unethical. After the fact, I read reviews on Debra Koenig and found many many negative reviews on her law firm. So, I will read reviews first
debra H.11/8/2015

I think the site is meant for lawyers to advertise and therefor is set up for
The best interest of the lawyers as any advertising site would be. Nothing seems to be taken down by any site in my opinion. Go to the Oregon Bar
Site if you really don't like not getting the information you need. Complaints
Are not listed on the computer, you have to make an appt to see them.
The Bar is a regulatory agency and it mission statement is it helps the public, NOT SO MUCH, in my opinion its really a trade group for their
Members. Best not to use any of their services in my opinion. What you
Don't know really will hurt you. Go to Google. Com and look up what you
Need to know and read some cases. Its no accident lawyers have "bad"
Reputations, they earned them, in my opinion. Be careful when you call
Names, you may get sued, they are looking for that. The computer can give you all you need to know, just look it up, you can go to Pro Se information and learn alot. Good Luck.

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