Questions & Answers

Why does Avvo not accept legitimate reviews of an attorney? Bad attorneys are out there. Everyone knows that. Who does Avvo, and the attorneys who pay them to get bad reviews from being accepted, think they are fooling?

Asked by Deana D. on 5/8/2015

9 Answers
Heath K.5/9/2015

AVVO is managed by attorneys for attorneys. It is a recipe for deception, self-interest and greed.
D B.5/9/2015

AVVO is setup to scam those who don’t understand that this is a site run by attorneys to promote attorneys. I filled a complaint against an attorney and they said that because I wasn’t the client they wouldn’t take it. However they did have a highly recommended review by someone who wasn’t a client. After I demanded they remove it or post my complaint, they removed the other review. But they now have “Peer” reveries by 3 other attorney’s. AVVO is just scam to promote Lawyers!
Cris B.5/8/2015

Their egos are so huge, and they have been evil for so long, they actually think, they are doing nothing wrong. That is why they kick and scream and threaten to sue you for libel, if you write one negative word about your experience.
Everyone who has a job, gets reviewed. They are not exempt, nor should they be.
Tara M.5/8/2015

I did get my bad review posted but they tried to deny it twice. They are being paid by attorney's and if the attorney disputes the review, then it automatically gets kicked off. In my case I was polite and not too harsh and got it posted, but I had to respond to 4 e-mails within a 24 hour period in order to do it.
Joseph B.5/8/2015

In my lay opinion, AVVO is a scam designed to bilk attorneys into paying for "ratings" that are seemingly positive, yet absolutely meaningless. I attempted to warn the general population about a Falls Church, VA attorney that has been indicted of hundreds of security counts and fraud against me an my company. Avvo never accept the review after multiple rewrites and resubmissions. Do not waste your time with this bogus site and non-service.
Kai K.5/16/2015

Obviously for conflict of interest. An attorney reviewing another attorney, especially if it is a bad review, will give the suspicion of fowl play. But AVVO's endorsements by fellow attorneys are of course OK for them, as they are sneaky ways of asking one colleague to praise another. So don't be impressed by those attorney endorsements either.
Kelly S.12/15/2019

Exactly. The lawyers obviously pay to not have bad reviews posted. This site is a joke for consumers.
Jim J.6/28/2015

Because Avvo doesn't actually review attorneys. The ratings they post are based on who paid for an advertisement vs. who didn't. Has nothing to do with actual client reviews.
Steven L.5/15/2015

AAVO is an ingenious scam invented by lawyers who don't even practice law and make big money running this bogus site. The reason I say it's an ingenious scam is because they hide behind the 1st Amendment freedom of speech right in saying whatever they want about a lawyer, even if it ruines the lawyer's business, and they list ever lawyer in the country whose names they cull from Internet information that is public information. They post a phony negative review then contact the lawyer about signing a $400 contract. Of course, why would a lawyer pay them $400 for a negative review? It doesn't make any sense. So their salespeople say they can take down the negative review if the lawyer signs up and they can get positive reviews posted. You say okay, they take down the negative review, and after they get your money they put the negative review back up. When you complain, they say they've "verified" the review and can't remove it unless you upgrade your membership and pay them more.

It's an extortion racket. It's just like in the old days when shops would have to pay "protection money" otherwise they'd get robbed or their windows broken in their shops. Same thing.

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