Why must I provide photo ID to banggood for veification. I paid via paypal. Is this strange?

asked by Ashley H. on 3/16/16

30 Answers
Thumbnail of user dane175

DO NOT send your info. You are not talking to Banggood.

Helpful  (2)
Thumbnail of user vincep15

First of all I will emphatically state that I would not give a photo ID to ANY vendor when paying through Paypal. Your money transactions are with Paypal not Banggood. Personally, I would contact Paypal immediately. Remember that Paypal does not issue payment to the vendor until the item is shipped. You just might wish to cancel the order and find an honest vendor to deal with.

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Thumbnail of user ahmady3

I wouldn't. They never asked me for one. I don't know if that's a new policy or what. But that doesn't sound kosher

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Thumbnail of user tiag106

Idk but I bought something from them and never received it, when I e mail customer service I keep getting a automatic response. Beware!

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Thumbnail of user peterh109

I never need to show my id when pay something trhrough paypal.
Better answer to you: dont do any business with bangwood period.
Best regards.

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Thumbnail of user peterm80

Newer asked for ID photo (last 5 y). But this site changing to bad - not using them.

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Thumbnail of user garyb118

File a dispute with paypal immediately. Wait a week and then escalate it to a claim. Dont wait more than 20 days or paypal will drop your dispute. Bang your butt good will ask you to drop your claim before they can solve any problem. DONT DO IT, IF YOU DROP A CLAIM OR DISPUTE WITH PAYPAL THEY WILL NO LONGER REPRESENT YOU. Keep in mind that any review that is rated more than one star is posted by their employees.

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Thumbnail of user thomash105

Stay away from this website.

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Thumbnail of user shannonc40

Don't do it. They are trying to steal your I.d.

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Thumbnail of user alasdairm1

Don't ever provide photo ID to anybody online, the request alone screams 'scammer'. Although i wouldn't rank paypal a single notch above a Vegas casino manager for trustworthiness, banggood are paid by them, and there is no need for them to acquire scamworthy details of your identity.

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Thumbnail of user jonasm33

I wouldn't. I bought a jacket from them and was not asked for any ID. Weird.

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Thumbnail of user saram73

I was not asked to send my id, but anyway I wouldn't suggest bying from this website as both times I received fake items, but happily got full refunds. Just think twice before bying.

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Thumbnail of user kareng78

Very! Not normal. Would not trust this site

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Thumbnail of user hansh30

So far I received all goods that Inordered from Banggood.

There were some problems, like they will try to give you some points if your products are defective instead of sending a new one. Don't agree to this and after some e-mails they will help you and finally solve the problem.

It's not nice it has to be that way. I would like to stress that at the end they solved all my problems related to defective products.

They never aaked for an id, so I advise you to check if the e-mail really came from Banggood or from a Nigerian Scam email sender! It's the first time ever I hear from thin s and it's not normal and I would even send out an
Email to Banggood asked them if they really asked for a copy of your id, cause it's totally not normal and I wouldn't give it.

Good luck

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Thumbnail of user joefc

You are absolutely right as this is not normal practice in our countries however in all probability it is banggood's way of making it difficult to make a claim. My recommendation is that you play their game up to the max. Send them multiple emails - even same response. Keep pestering them. Send them as many photos as you can take. Post all the information seperatly on the forum and write down that you are also posting on site jabber.com

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Thumbnail of user federicof8

It is strange. Use another vendor. It may be usefull tocheck your computer ir mobile to be sure you not have a trojan o scram that redirect your navigation. Not leave your id!

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Thumbnail of user brianr19

I only sent pictures of my items not

A photo I'd of myself hopefullyt this Will help you

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Thumbnail of user doloresg

I dont know i wouldent send anything besides i paid visa so i dont deal with paypal

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Thumbnail of user jeanetteo4

I ordered through Paypal and was not asked for ID. The request may have come from someone who hacked their system. I don't recommend Banggood because of the poor quality of their products, but NEVER give anyone your personal information. That's what Paypal is for.

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Thumbnail of user jerrym70

Do NOT supply any ID. I recommend canceling all transactions with Banggood.

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Thumbnail of user leaw4

Act fast and cancel your order. Asking for your ID is not right.

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Thumbnail of user vermab

People at Banggood do not believe in business ethics. They do not have any commitment towards their customers. As far as ID is concerned, they have no authority to ask for the same. At the most delivery boy can see it ID at the time of delivery of consignment. Don't provide the ID and cancel it immediately. World is full of such vendors.
Good luck.
BD Verma

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Thumbnail of user kevino33

There is absolutely no reason for you to provide photo ID for an online purchase. You must have been transferred to a clone website that is trying to steal your information. Never give out this kind of info, especially things like social security number, divers license number and lighter similar personal info to anyone. When things like this happens go back to the vendor using a different browser and recheck your shopping cart and see if the same info is still there, or the items aren't there anymore. Good luck.

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Thumbnail of user charlesg52

No, they have never asked for my I.D. That is odd.

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Thumbnail of user xchakg

First time I've heard of this?

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Thumbnail of user erics103

Here is another example of why not to buy from Banggood. PayPal is a trusted method of payment and you should not have to provide photo ID
Avoid buying from Banggood

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Thumbnail of user frankier7

I've bought electronic parts from them for 2 years. I've had problems but they are always eventually resolved.

Always pay for shipping if DHL is available. It gives some extra protection.

Good Luck!

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Thumbnail of user elainec33

I got a refund and cancelled my order. Do not give them your info.

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Thumbnail of user michaelf142

Just to save tiny money? That is ridiculous, and very dangerous in the new age of identity theft. Don't do it - find another entity that doesn't want a photo that could be used WITH your financial info and address to wreak havoc..

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Thumbnail of user glenno8

I could guess, but I would hate to be wrong... I would say that they are wanting to make sure that you are really you so they don't end up having a PayPal chargeback?

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