Why is this site so popular? Is it because google puts their site up as one of the first sites on a google search?

asked by Phil B. on 5/12/17

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user sams580

They've been around for a long time, perhaps at some point it was a reputable site.   That is no longer the case.   I suspect traffic to the site is dwindling.

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Thumbnail of user ajshirle

Yes, the Google placenent does help CD more visitors than other sites.

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Thumbnail of user kyleh258

That alone tells me it is NOT conservative. My experiences are exact opposite it's a pro socialist agenda site. If you don't mind not having a nuclear family or any kind of moral values that are of Christian value then go ahead and post your crap! It's like Reddit.

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Thumbnail of user lakewoodc2

Their forum software makes it easy to keep track of the conversation. A lot of people who research their white flight relocations stick around for their white nationalist views.

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