Daily Goodie Box
Questions & Answers

Is Daily Goodie Box a scam or a legit company?

Asked by Jessica O. on 8/29/2019

79 Answers
Crystal K.8/29/2019

They are legit. You don't have to do all the surveys to get a box. The best way to get a box is go to their FB page and they have questions daily you can answer and the first so many will get a box. Once you get your first box you will sample it and give your opinions and then you will be eligible to get more boxes.
Nena S.10/14/2019

My own first FREE DAILY GOODIE BOX! This is the legit and they do the best they can! No charge EVER! And did they mention it's FREE![](https://www.sitejabber.com/img/url_answers/114807/thumbnail_160_normal.jpg =x226)
Saria H.10/14/2019

It's legit. I've received a box twice since joining. You just have to be really patient, active on their Facebook page, and not complain about not getting a box yet.
Laura S.10/14/2019

Legit! I received one of the boxes and it was well worth it
Kendra L.10/14/2019

100% legit. You'd regret not giving them a chance.
Jennifer H.10/14/2019

Legit company! Great to deal with. You get free full sized samples.
Wendy M.10/14/2019

Daily goodie box is very legit company. I was very doubtful because I kept commenting and never was picked. I was picked in September for October's box and received it in the time frame that was given to me.
Jacquie F.10/3/2019

No it's definitely not a scam! I promise you that! I've received 2 fully loaded box from this amazing Company!
April C.9/23/2019

Definitely legit! I received my box & posted pics on their fb page
Rochelle S.9/18/2019

Not only is Daily Goodie Box legit, but they are totally awesome! If you sigh up and comment on their daily Facebook posts, eventually you will win a box. Then, the only thing that they ask is that you give an honest review on the products that you receive. It is totally free, you don't even pay for shipping (Priority Mail even). They never ask for credit card info. NO annoying surveys required. It's almost unbelievable, but it's totally legit!

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