Daily Goodie Box
Questions & Answers

This site has false advertisement, you never get a box and you either have to sign up for cheesy advertisements and/or do useless surveys.

Asked by Ruth M. on 8/28/2018

67 Answers
chasity c.9/15/2019

Nope! I qualify without any of the things you mentioned. Join their fb page and follow their post is the easiest way!
Adam C.8/29/2019

That isn't the case at all. They never demanded or asked for anything more than my personal opinion of products I had already received not so i would receive them. I have been doing reviews for most things anyway it was nice to do reviews for things i didn't have to pay for or even use, Heck I didn't even have to do any of the reviews they merely asked Daily Goodie Box is worth the time and effort if we don't take care of the real companies we will all lose. Just Sayin'
Becky B.9/18/2019

No you do not have to do anything. Go onto their facebook page and answer a question. Please sign up at Dailygoodiebox.com first.
Casey V.8/29/2019

Daily goodie box sends FREE boxes to hundreds of people everyday. You only need to answer one question on their facebook or twitter page. Its always a simple question! I have also received every box they told me i would receive and also let me know which month it would mail. They are 100% legit!
Renee G.9/17/2019

Not true at all. Frequent their Facebook page and follow all rules and guidelines on the post. You may not get selected but keep trying; their are thousands of people also trying.
Dawn C.9/16/2019

Not once have I ever done a survey or had to sign up for anything. All they ask is that you stay active on facebook page and review the products you received FOR FREE! Really not to much to ask in my opinion.
Carol W.9/16/2019

Totally not a scam and they do as they say. Enough said.
Kimberly L.9/15/2019

Or you could answer the question on their Facebook posts and not directly ask for a box and eventually you win one
Caitlin C.9/15/2019

This isn't a site where you have to do surveys, and you don't have to get ads. You just have to have an account. You might be able to speed things up by interacting with them on social media - they get the products they give away by promising publicity.
Sally R.9/15/2019

This is false i got my goodie box. You just have to go on facebook and look at there posts they give away boxes everyday.

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