I need help. I applied for a job that requested all my personal information. They're now asking me to log into my id.me account. Is this a new normal?
Asked by Eddah L. on 8/14/2023
1 Answer
Olivia C.8/21/2024
Hello Eddah. Thank you for your question. If you have concerns about the validity of a login request you can find more information at the following link https://help.id.me/hc/en-us/categories/9309241964183-Privacy-Fraud.
If you still need assistance or have concerns please visit https://help.id.me/hc/en-us/p/contact_support to create a ticket and one of our support agents will work with you to resolve your issue. — ID.me
If you still need assistance or have concerns please visit https://help.id.me/hc/en-us/p/contact_support to create a ticket and one of our support agents will work with you to resolve your issue. — ID.me
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