Are any of the purses/bags authentic or just good quality replicas?

asked by Melissa G. on 10/30/15

6 Answers
Thumbnail of user nomorerackc

Hi Melissa G.,

Good day! Thank you for posting your inquiry. Please rest assured that Choxi guarantees that all products sold are authentic. If a product is received which is not authentic and you can provide proof, we will instantly refund you and the manufacturing partner will be immediately terminated. We stand behind our deals. We are not perfect, but if ever a mistake happens, we will make it right. We also provide a 3rd party authenticity guarantee which covers the purchase price up to $1,000 on every purchase at no cost to you. I hope this answers your question.

If you need further assistance, you may contact us through this link: Thank you.

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Customer Relations
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Thumbnail of user johnd404

I can't tell you about purses since I have never purchased one. I would be worried about high priced items with deep discounts. I don't know how they do it but I have put their email address as spam and I still get it.

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Thumbnail of user youcefa3

Guys Guys do you still really buy from those people you know i'm not telling my bad experiences with them again, yet be aware this company will rip you off... be aware

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Thumbnail of user magdab

The purses are supposed to be real and I don't doubt it because we have a local store named Ross in Houston Texas and they have the same purses and more or less the same prices. Still always use your best judgement because Choxi is a site and there more than one seller there so not every seller is the same. They do have many warranties like Amazon and ebay I have never lost a penny there or had any returns.

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Thumbnail of user veronicac4

If they advertise it as a brand name designer bag then it is the real thing.

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Thumbnail of user josephr42

I don't know

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