I ordered SKU THA-7566 on OCT 05, and have received my order and I am so happy with the product I would like to order more. Are these still availabl

asked by Sue H. on 11/13/18

1 Answer
Thumbnail of user irvingo4

Hello Sue,

This is Agent Stephanie from the Jclub support team.

I am personally reaching out to you today to assist you with your question.

In order to better assist you, I need some more information from you, as the little info you provided is not enough to locate you in our systems.

If I may ask can you provide me the full name of the item or a direct link to the item you really want?

I will be delighted to assist you further with your request

Please email me directly at Stephanie@jclub.com, as I will be delighted to further assist you.

Kind regards,


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