I have made 7 calls, (about 9 hours involved), in trying to get resolution on my escrow account moving from Pacific Union to Mr. Cooper,

asked by Craig B. on 7/23/19

6 Answers
Thumbnail of user roberte385

Good luck. Mr cooper will not help you. They are the worst

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Thumbnail of user carolync491

Multiple calls for over a month. We still have not received our escrow money.

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Thumbnail of user ac834

Good luck. My Cooper is a horrible company their customer service is rude and misinformed. They don't have to care so they don't. They have your money.

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Thumbnail of user annc472

I tried calling for the first three months and they had no information of my account, yet when I called pacific union they told me they switched it to Mr Cooper. I didn't authorize the switch nor did I sign papers for Mr Cooper to assume to mortgage. What can I do?! Now I'm 10 months behind and they are looking to foreclose

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Thumbnail of user francessed

Me too. Unable to figure out what they are saying. When they took over your mortgage, they were escrow shortage and your mortgage increases more than $200 and every year since them

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Thumbnail of user marionh31

I'm sorry to say it, but Robert is 100% correct. Be prepared to fight!

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