electronicsshenzhen.com must be a big scam ripoff site to as it praises Taobao as being very good quality and reputation. It also mentions Alibaba, saying you never know what quality product you will get until it's too late. What an amazing coincidence that Taobao is OWNED by Alibaba, so if you can't trust one there is no way you can trust the other. Electronicsshenzhen also mentions Aliexpress and doesn't seem to think very highly of it. I wouldn't be surprised if Alibaba owns it AND electronicsshenzhen. It's a shame that China is capable of make exact replicas, if not better, of the best products, but instead they mostly make very bad fakes and/or the companies themselves are fake. If you can't afford to buy the real products from a reputable store in your country you're best off just doing without. Most of the time products that come from China are junk, if you even receive them at all.

asked by Quinton H. on 4/10/15

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