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In your resume reviews, I found many in marketing and sales, 1 for a graphic designer. Do you have any writers who have written art director resumes?
asked by
on 5/15/22
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I am confused whether is it worth of money? Is it give proper resume?
I had submitted a resume but it was limited. I have more information and am interested in the package that includes a new resume and cover letter.
Why are there so many negative reviews? Some people call it a waste of money. How can I be sure that a TOP professional will be handling my order?
I have written twice about my issue with the editor of my resume. I am not satisfied and I really would appreciate it if someone could help me.
Yes, I want my money back. my email is testyourenglishathome@gmail.com and I want it fast.
YES!!! I am completely dissatisfied by your services and I want my money back. I am still waiting for the second edit of my resume.
Is there experienced writers for the legal field?
How many revisions can you obtain once the resume is completed?
what is the turnaround?
Are there any VET/military discounts?
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