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My birth certificate was delivered damaged. The UPS envelope & certificate enclosed are both ripped above the official seal. How do I get replacement?
asked by
Alice H.
on 11/18/24
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Yes I received my order. However, I noticed the spelling of the father's last name is misspelled. It should read STROH, not STOH. Would you resend?
Yes I received my order. However, I noticed the spelling of the father's last name is misspelled. It should read STROH, not STOH. Would you resend?
I have not received the birth certificate! Ordered on September 30 2024
Birth certificate was not certified by county clerk. How do I have that done?
Can you get your birth certificate within 3 days of ordering
Hello - Happy to receive the "long form" birth certificate so quickly, but looks unofficial (hand-typed). Is it bc it's from 1972 & not computerized?
My name is spelled incorrectly. It has been this way for years. How do I get it corrected? I have my transcript from school. I am 60 years old.
Hi. I ordered a BC. My question is a simple one, for the time of birth if the am is crossed out with xxx, does that mean the child was born in am?
My order for my grandfather (Clotilde Davila, June 3,1892/late April,1956) was canceled. Can I have this looked into. I would gladly re-order
Why was my order canceled...I've been waiting for my birth certificate. I have to get a passport.
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