How long does it take to manufacture a t shirt?

asked by Sandra N. on 5/26/15

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user lazarod8

I order about 20-40 shirts every 3 months since I use them for my online teaching.
The service has always been excellent and I normally get my shirts within 10 days.

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Thumbnail of user marianc7

How soon you receive the shirt depends on where you live. Zazzle doesn't manufacture shirts but prints the design onto them. Zazzle is located in California.

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Thumbnail of user stephenn10

Hi Sandra. I've ordered maybe 6 shirts and live in Tucson, AZ. I'd say they arrive in about 10 business days on average to my place. Would probably take a day or 2 longer on East coast, but not sure. Depends on if they have a facility there.

Feel free to ask a follow up question. I've been very satisfied with almost all my orders except photos that are not really contasty. I would make any photo you do send in more contrasty than you normally like on your computer screen.

I recommend giving a try and if you don't like it, return for refund.


Tucson, AZ

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