There seems to be many complaints about the length of time it takes to get product. How long does it take, and are there guarantees?

asked by Christine R. on 1/3/19

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user mariannet18

Zulily clearly states how long it takes to ship out the merchandise but it's being shipped from al over the world so it does take a long time to arrive. If you're interested in what they offer at the excellent prices they offer it for then its completely worth the wait in my opinion. What's the big deal? People are in such a hurry for everything! This is not how Zulily works and if you read their website they explain exactly why.

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Thumbnail of user julies42

Different items ship at different times. When you are looking at the items this is stated before you order. I have received some items between 2-3 days - 3-weeks it just depends on time of year and what you are ordering.

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Thumbnail of user tracenac

Don't order from Zulily to begin with. When your order does arrive, it will only disappoint you. Their products are crap.

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Thumbnail of user barbaram606

Garunteed to cost you in time and money. You'll be angry at your self

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